Inspired by a personal experience of sexual exploitation, Miss Camaraderie is a testament to claimed and earned space. Marrying what was once moving, now cast in stillness via George Segal’s 1987 Abraham’s Farewell to Ishmael, and what once was posed, brought to life in motion– the essence of choreographed vogueing– it is a tableau vivant wrought with emotion, power, and reclamation. Filmed at the Perez Art Museum of Miami, alongside Segal’s sculptural testament to biblical conflict, Banks takes on the moving form of Hagar, the mistress of patriarch Abraham, who was expelled in service of the legitimacy of Isaac’s birthright in place of her own son, Ishmael. Hagar is the original scapegoat, and mirror of all societal mistreatment of female sexual willpower and self-determination.
לא מוותרת על היהדות גם במוזיקה